Dieses Video kann helfen, zu verstehen ob ein Service legal oder illegal ist.
Nehmt euch die 5 Minuten Zeit, etwas grundlegend Wichtiges zu lernen...
This video can help you understand whether a service is legal or illegal.
Take 5 minutes to learn something very important...
To watch the movie click here: Pickleball-Service
0:00 - Is Your Pickleball Serve Illegal?
0:25 - 3 Important Pickleball Serving Rules to Remember
1:00 - Rules of the Pickleball Volley Serve
2:35 - Rules of the Pickleball Drop Serve
3:19 - Spin During Your Pickleball Serve
3:30 - Are These Pickleball Serves Legal or Illegal?
5:00 - PlayPickleball.com
Read the story here: https://www.playpickleball.com/illega...
Pickleball serving rules: 5 pickleball serving rules: https://www.playpickleball.com/pickle...
7 most common illegal pickleball serves: https://www.playpickleball.com/illega...
The 2 types of pickleball serves: https://www.playpickleball.com/2-type...